2025 Bookings kick-off

🏁Monday 28th October 2024 at 9am 🏁

Serignan Plage Campsite Herault Lavande Abeille

Legal Notices

Legal Notices and personal data

Site hosted by SAS AMAT & ET CIE

RCS BEZIERS n° 652 920 844
La Séoune – 34410 SERIGNAN – FRANCE

TEL: +33 (0)4 67 32 35 33
FAX: +33 (0)4 67 32 26 36


Publication Director: Jean-Guy AMAT

– Any reproduction of this site, photographs, images, logos or brand name by any means
whatever is strictly forbidden.

– All requests for hypertext links should be made with the company SARL AMAT & ET CIE

– You have a right of access, alteration, rectification and deletion of data (article 34 of the French Law on data protection – the loi “Informatique et Liberté”). To exercise you right, contact SARL AMAT & ET CIE
whose details are above.

– This website is registered with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL – France’s Data Protection Authority).

– Photographs and plans do not constitute a contract.


Personal data and cookies

Le Sérignan Plage respects user concerns relating to confidentiality of information, and personal information supplied.

Le Sérignan Plage ensures it conforms with the obligations linked to the CNIL.

As the Responsible Processor under the Law on IT and Individual Freedoms dated 6 January 1978 modified in 2004 and by the European directive of 24 October 1995 (hereinafter called the “Law on Data protection”) Le Sérignan Plage is likely to collect personal data (surnames, first names, personal details and other such data) or non-personal data (preferences, favourite information and other such data) during user visits to its Internet site (hereinafter called the “Site”), so as to be in a position to identify individuals, to offer personalized services to them or even to improve the Site, and take account of the user’s views.


1– Recipient of Data Collected

Le Sérignan Plage is the data recipient.
In any event, Le Sérignan Plage only transmits personal user data to a third party when:

  • the user has given his or her prior consent for the sharing of such information,
  • Le Sérignan Plage must share this data with a third party for the supply of the anticipated service,
  • Le Sérignan Plage wishes to enable the user to enjoy partner offers,
  • Le Sérignan Plage is required by a judicial authority or any other administrative body to communicate information.


Le Sérignan Plage can also communicate personal user data to third party service providers as part of statistical studies on Site use and optimization purposes. Within this framework, personal user data will be anonymous.


2 – Purposes of Data Collection

Across the Site, Le Sérignan Plage collects data concerning the user, which is strictly necessary for the following purposes:

  • making available and personalizing the Site,
  • management of subscription to the newsletter (subscriptions and cancellations),
  • sales and promotional offers by Le Sérignan Plage.

Le Sérignan Plage is committed to dealing with and retaining all personal information entrusted to it by the user in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection law: This is solely so as to keep the user informed of news from Le Sérignan Plage, and to enable him or her, to benefit in priority from offers for goods and services linked to the business activities of Le Sérignan Plage.


3 – Retaining data and Security

Data are kept for a duration which does not exceed the necessary duration for the purposes for which they are collected:

for the management of the subscription to the newsletter, data will be kept for as long as the subscription is active and all data will be of deleted 2 months from the time of cancellation of the user’s subscription;

Other data will be kept for a period of 2 years.

Le Sérignan Plage strives to implement all practical precautions to protect confidentiality and the security of personal data processed and prevent them being distorted, damaged or destroyed, and to prevent unauthorised third parties having access to them.

Technical and organisational security measures complying with “State of the Art” technology, in particular that which falls within information systems, have been instigated.

However, Le Sérignan Plage does not control all risks linked to Internet operation and draws users’ attention to the existence of potential risks inherent in Internet use and operation.


4 – Rights of Users

The User is informed that he or she has, in compliance with the French Law on Data Protection, at any time a right of access and the right to update, rectify and remove his or her personal data by making a request (indicating precisely the subject of his request) by Internet to the following e-mail address:


Alternatively write by mail to the following address:

Le Sérignan Plage
34 410 Sérignan


which Le Sérignan Plage undertakes to deal with in a time period of seven working days.

The User is informed that he or she has, in compliance with the French Data protection law at any time a right to object for legitimate reasons, to data of a personal nature being dealt with by the company.


5 – Cookies, navigation data and localization

During access to the site, and after the user accepting to continue Site navigation, a cookie may be installed and kept in the memory or on the user’s hard disk for a maximum duration of 13 months, so as to facilitate user navigation. A cookie does not enable you to be identified but is an element which serves to record information relating to Site navigation (the pages consulted, the date and time the Site was consulted and other related data)

The Cookies sent permit:

  • the facilitation of the navigation experience on the Site, enhancement of the interest and ergonomics of services consulted on the Site and the adaptation of the presentation of the Site;
  • the memorization of information relating to a form that the user has completed on the Site (registration or access to his or her account) or to products selected on the Site (contents of basket, etc.);
  • counting the number of Site visits, and hence establish statistics.

Each user can refuse to register cookies by modifying the parameters of their Internet navigator. However, this operation will lead to the deletion of all cookies used by the navigator, including those used by other websites, which may lead to the alteration or the loss of certain settings or information. The deletion of cookies may modify your settings, even make it difficult to navigate on the Site.

For the management of cookies and user choices, the configuration of each navigator is different. It is described in the help menu of the navigator, which enables the user to know how to modify his or her wishes as regards cookie settings.

Deactivating online cookies:

Category of Cookie Means of deactivation
Analytic and Performance cookies Google Analytics
Social network cookies Facebook

Use of online platforms for the control of publicity cookies:

Go to the site Youronlinechoices, offered by professionals in digital publicity grouped together within the European Association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance), to refuse or accept cookies used by publicity professionals who are members of this association.

Note that the deletion of cookies may modify your settings, even make it difficult to navigate on the site.


Photos/videos credits

– Photo credits: © Interaview Production

– Video credits: © Benjamin Fatras

– Video credits region: © Développement Sud de France –

– © Office de Tourisme de Montpellier – C.Escolano

– Copyright Ville de Perpignan

– Photo credit: Laurent UROZ

– Photo credit: Daniel Jamme – Millau for CEVM

– Photo credits: “OT Aigues-Mortes”

– Photo credits: Henri Comte

– Photo credits: David Merlin

– Photo credits Office de Tourisme de Sète

– Note – Office de Tourisme de Béziers

– Office du Tourisme de Nîmes, Andrés Mendel, Olivier Maynard

– Photographs by “Rayonnant”: “Photo-souvenir”: “Raynonnant”, work on-site by Daniel Buren, Parc de la Cigalière,
2001-2002, in collaboration with Nicolas Guillot, architect. Photograph by Eric Saillet. © D.B. ADAGP”
Photo of the museum: Le Musée de Sérignan (Museum of Sérignan) – “Les femmes fatales”, Errò. Photograph by Bernard Rivière. © Mairie
de Sérignan” (Sérignan town hall)


Multimedia design and development
Design of camping Internet sites

Interaview Production
82, avenue du Général Patton – 49000 Angers
Tel : 01 49 23 00 13 – Fax : 01 49 23 00 14 – Fax :